Let’s Talk False Strip Lashes

Our eyes are known to be the gateway of our soul, so why not beautify them even more. Let false/strip lashes enhance your beauty with every blink and movement. Let California LASH convince you, what you’re missing out by wearing false/strip lashes. 

Lashes were once associated with theatrical performers, glam queens & kings, and those walking the red carpet. But thanks to social media platforms such as Instagram, the power of false lashes grew within the beauty industry. (California LASH very much loves to flaunt falsies out on a Tuesday night or grocery shopping!) Fake lashes will not go out of style any time soon! 

At our store, you will find quality fake lashes for your everyday use. California LASH knows the difficulty of finding the perfect false lash for your eye shape and desired effect. We have falsies which gives a natural but extreme beauty look, all faux mink, waiting to be worn. Select beautiful and full lashes from our selection, such as our Hollywood, Miami, Morocco, and Vegas lashes.

 Our full lashes are perfect for those who don’t mind adding a full strip that can add volume and length to their lashes. 


  • Begin by measuring if it fits your eyes. Do this by placing the strip of full lashes onto the line of your upper lashes. Then, using a small scissor cut the part on the outer edge that doesn’t fit.
  • Once the right measurement is achieved, apply eyelash glue to the strip then let dry until a sticky texture is achieved.
  • Apply the full false eyelashes to your natural lash line and put them as close as possible. 
  • Use mascara as finishing touch.

We also have a selection of tweezers that can help you apply your falsies in no time! (can place link onto bolded word tweezers  to your tweezer page shop) http://californialash.com/shop/categories.php?category=TWEEZERS-

“They’re more than Lashes, It’s a lifestyle” – Lilly Lashes (add link to their website, this one https://lillylashes.com/pages/about)

California LASH couldn’t say it better. The fact is that, fake eyelashes do not harm your natural ones. In fact, it requires the correct and proper application to ensure that your false eyelashes will not cause any sort of damage to your natural lashes. Also, you need to be careful not to rub your eyes that may cause the lashes to be pulled – both falsies and your natural ones! 

We carry Faux Mink fibers that mimic the luxurious look of “mink” while being vegan and animal friendly! Lots of celebrities have rocked the falsie look on the red carpet, why not explore yourself the beauty of fake lashes. Step into a world of glamour and beauty for your next eye look with California LASH. 

California LASH wants everyone to become the lash master we know you can be. 


  • Use Remover at the end of the day 
  • Buy quality lashes 
  • Avoid heavy mascara
  • Clean and comb your lashes 
  • Clean your false lashes: Never squeeze your false lashes dry after cleaning them! Let them air dry on a paper towel.

Why a Skin Care Regimen is Important:

Acne, pimples, acne scars, cystic acne… are manifestations that EVERYONE deals with at some point in their lifetime. California LASH, understands your pain… there is nothing more annoying than breakouts to ruin that special event or photoshoot. The great news is that there are methods and ways to help you get rid of acne and those scars! Dream come true…right? 

Note that the intensity of acne varies from person to person. Acne can be frustrating, we know, and remember that it is always a good idea to seek professional help from a dermatologist. California LASH, believes that beauty starts with healthy skin and beautiful skin starts skin deep. 

Having a skin care regime can help eliminate further breakouts and help you achieve clearer skin!

  • Kick start your skincare routine with these blemish-bomb skin care regime tips!


A pimple starts when the pores in the skin become clogged with sebum, a type of oil which normally lubricates the skin and hair. Because many oil-producing glands are on the forehead, nose, and chin, this area — the T-zone — is where a person is most prone to pimples.

California LASH, recommends that you: 

  • Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap for acne skin.
  • DON’T pop those pimples! Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin which in turn, leads to more swelling and even scaring. 
  • Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.
  • Always clean your makeup off before you go to sleep. 

Adding a cleansing brush to your skin care regime will help you exfoliate and deep clean inside your pores to get the grime out of your skin. It might seem a bit of a splurge but works better than hands alone and allow for skincare products to absorb better. 

Cystic Acne 

California LASH,  understands the pain that comes with dealing against Cystic Acne…sometimes it can feel like you vs. the cystic situation. A cystic blemish can be especially maddening since it feels like all you can do is wait and conceal. While it’s true that a visit or two at the dermatologist will give you your solution to your cystic acne problems, there are some at-home skin care regimen that you can take to bring down the swelling and redness. 

  • Salicylic Acid 

You want to gently exfoliate with a salicylic cleanser.

  • Tackle the Swelling

Ice the area three times an hour in ten-minute intervals

 (You want to do this after you wash your face since washing after icing would warm the skin right back up.)

  • Kill the Bacteria 

Prime your skin with a light moisturizer first, then spot-treat the cyst with a super thin layer Benzoyl peroxide.

  • Reducing Redness

An over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream contains a low dose of steroids that can help shrink pimples and soothe redness.

California LASH, wants nothing more that for you to love the skin you are in. Finding a skin care regime that works for you is all trial and error, everyone’s skin is different and may react differently to products. 

Do not fear a visit to the dermatologist – Dermatologists offer a range of treatments that help to prevent and acne scars. A dermatologist can help you find the treatment method that’s best for you and can also give you lots of useful tips for dealing with acne and caring for your skin type. 

Why get eyelash extensions?

Ladies love a little luxury, and we’re always down for something that gives our natural beauty a boost. Eyelash extensions do just that, by enhancing your lashes and making them stand out with glamorous, natural or even eccentric beauty. Here are some of the other top benefits of eyelash extension…! !


Those drugstore extensions certainly won’t do the trick if you want your lashes to last, looking realistic and naturally beautiful. Your beauty is unique, and your eyelash extensions need to be unique, too. We can custom-match your lashes to a set of extensions so that your new lashes can be as thick and full as you would like.! !

Applied Individually!

One-piece eyelash extensions are definitely not the way to go for long-lasting, natural-looking results! California Lashes are applied one-by-one to your existing eyelashes. This ensures a much longer, more authentic look.! !

Long-Term Results!

Since they are applied one-by-one by professionals, eyelash extensions from California Lash can last up to 8 weeks! Of course, this depends on the life cycle of your existing lashes, and how you care for your eyelash extensions, but generally your lash extensions will last at least five weeks.! !


Feel free to pump iron, run a marathon, swim, take a shower, sweat – ahem! (We mean glisten, as we ladies do, of course)… all of the above can be done free of worry for your new lash extensions! Why? Because they are water-resistant.! !

Natural Look & Feel!

You know how you can feel the thick, heaviness of false eyelashes? Eyelash extensions don’t feel anything like that. They are actually so authentic-feeling that you probably won’t notice any difference from before you lay down to get them applied to after getting up from the table with gorgeous new lashes. Not only do they feel natural, you can choose a style of extensions that looks like they are all yours! Shhhh – we won’t tell a soul.! !

New Year Beauty Resolution

A new year means a fresh start to your beauty regimen. If you stick with a good beauty routine from a young age your skin will be ageless by the time you hit your mid-life crisis, making skincare one less problem for you to freak about.

Here is what you can start doing now to ensure a healthy and beautiful look:

Don’t go to sleep with your makeup on

The first rule of being a woman is to NEVER go to sleep with your makeup on. While you’re asleep your skin is trying to restore itself, but if you have a day’s worth of makeup on, your pores are blocked and unable to revitalize.

Use moisturizer with SPF

Trust us, you will regret not having worn sunscreen when you look at your skin compared to friends and family who have worn daily sunscreen 20 years from now. Including SPF in your skincare regimen can also slow down the development of wrinkled skin.

Indulge in a facial mask once a week

Daily cleansing and moisturizing is great, but facial masks provide a deeper cleansing. A good facial mask draws out the impurities that hide in the lower layers of the epidermis and gives your skin a natural glow. Doing a weekly facial mask also makes the rest of your skin care regimen work better.

Prime your hair before you style it

Blow drying, straightening and curling your hair often begins to strain your hair. Make it a habit to always run some serum through your locks before you begin. Hair serum coats the surface of your hair and protects from heat and chemicals that come with styling tools.

Take a break from gel polish

Although gel mani’s are the go-to nail look, they are turning your nails thin. It’s not putting them on that’s the problem, but taking them off. You either peel them off taking the nail bed with it, or the more official way- a ten-minute acetone soak, which also leaves nails frail. Save your money and go back to the basics. Paint your nails yourself for a while, until they get back to their lively selves.

Drink more water

There are many reasons water is critical to your overall health. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help rid the body and skin of toxins. So the more water you drink the better your skin will look and feel. Dehydration causes your skin to look more wrinkled and nobody wants that. So fill up that cute refillable cup of yours and get to drinking.

I guarantee you will notice a difference in your skin if you take these tips home with you and implement them into your daily routines. Happy 2016!


Everyone has different eye shapes and different needs, each of which require special care and

consideration. Make sure your lash technician takes the time with you to decide on the correct

style, shape, and length of lashes based upon: Your eye type, facial structure, and most

importantly your desired appearance. Here is what we recommend according to your eye


Almond-shaped Eyes

The best eyelash extension that suits an almond-shaped eye is having shorter lashes on the

inner eye, medium lashes on the middle, and longer lashes on the outer edges. Depending on

the natural curls of your lashes, we recommend either J, B, and C-curl lashes or combination of

the three.

Deep-set Eyes

For deep-set eyes, the best lashes are the longer lash extensions and they should be even in

length all throughout the eyes. J-Curl lash extensions should just be enough since they don’t

need that much curl in the eyes.

Round Eyes

The perfect eyelash extension set for round eyes is to have the shortest on the inner eye and

longer lashes on the outer for a seductive look. Round eyes are lucky because they are one of

the eye shapes that can wear any types of curls. So J, B, or C-curl or combination of those will

look amazing on this kind of eye shape.

Wide-set/Hooded Eyes

If you have wide-set or hooded eyes, longer lashes are great for you! B and C-curl eyelash

extensions are the ones you should have that will help feature your eyes more. It is best for

those who want to achieve that beautiful, innocent look.

Single-lidded Eyes

For eyes that have a single crease, it is best to alternate long and short lash extensions

throughout the eye to create a full and lush look. J-Curl lashes are perfect to emphasize this

type of eye shape since having alternate long and short lashes already gives you that dramatic look.


You can have it all! While being a mom and running your own business is definitely a task, it is

one of the most rewarding accomplishments. Having your own business, you are able to make

your own schedule and call your own shots. Balance is key! Remember the importance of

prioritizing, and accepting that you cannot do it all.

Running your own business can be one of the best things for a family since you are able to

spend more quality time together. Every day is a little different from the last, and each day is a

new learning experience.


Be a list maker! Even with all this technology, a pen and paper can be your best friend. Writing

things down can really help you remember and it feels so good to cross things off. Things that

are higher priority, mark with a star and those are the ones to tackle first. Think of something

throughout the day? Add it to your list! Carrying a little notebook around can help too.


Separation and mindfulness are so important. When at work, focus on work! When it is time to

be with your kids and family, it is time to focus on that moment and not think about or try to fit in

work stuff. This family time is time that you cannot get back; work will still be there tomorrow.!


Trust your gut! Do only what you feel totally comfortable with. Make sure to not do anything that

may impact your family or time negatively. Most of the time, it really is about that initial gut

reaction; no matter if it’s a person, a decision, or an idea. If it feels good and right, go for it.

For all the success you have in business, it’s going to be met with some guilt. Sometimes that is

okay! Focus on the life you want to create and the example you want to set for your kids in

being a business owner. At the end of the day, you are in control of your life and if your kids feel

loved and secure – you’re doing it right. Teach them that nothing comes easily, and that they can

create whatever life they dream of with lots and lots of hard work.


Eyelash extensions are fabulous, so don’t be afraid to try them out.  Here are a few myths that you should be aware of and the truths about them:

Extensions hurt – If they hurt something is wrong.  They absolutely should not hurt.  Lack of experience from a lash tech plus applying them to quickly and not allowing the glue to dry completely could be the reason.  Make sure you go to a reputable lash artist!

Extensions damage your natural lash – If they are applied correctly they should not damage your natural lashes.  Try to stay clear of cluster lashes, but if you choose to use them, make sure they are only temporary (few days to a week tops).  The weight of cluster lashes will damage your natural lashes if used on a semi-permanent basis.

Periodically have them removed and have a new set applied – Nope, this is false.  Your natural lashes go through a life cycle that is 60-90 days in length.  This means you are always growing new lashes and the extensions are falling out with the natural lashes.  Putting on a new set periodically is costly for you.

There is no maintenance – California Lash extensions are the same as getting false nails put on.  There is regular maintenance.  You need to get them refilled, keep them clean, no pulling or tugging at them.  Any additional wear and tear will make them come out quicker.

Extensions can last 2 months or longer – Since the life cycle of your natural lash is 60-90 days, each lash is in a different stage of this cycle.  You may have a few stragglers that will hang on for dear life through the complete 90 days, but the majority of your lashes will shed and regrow.  It is recommended to refill the lashes every 2-3 weeks. Usually any time longer than that you will see them thin out and you will loose the full look.

Extensions make your natural lashes shorter – After you have worn extensions for an extended period of time, you really have a distorted view of what your natural lashes look like.  In actuality, your natural lashes really ARE short. That’s why you got the extensions in the first place!