A new year means a fresh start to your beauty regimen. If you stick with a good beauty routine from a young age your skin will be ageless by the time you hit your mid-life crisis, making skincare one less problem for you to freak about.
Here is what you can start doing now to ensure a healthy and beautiful look:
Don’t go to sleep with your makeup on
The first rule of being a woman is to NEVER go to sleep with your makeup on. While you’re asleep your skin is trying to restore itself, but if you have a day’s worth of makeup on, your pores are blocked and unable to revitalize.
Use moisturizer with SPF
Trust us, you will regret not having worn sunscreen when you look at your skin compared to friends and family who have worn daily sunscreen 20 years from now. Including SPF in your skincare regimen can also slow down the development of wrinkled skin.
Indulge in a facial mask once a week
Daily cleansing and moisturizing is great, but facial masks provide a deeper cleansing. A good facial mask draws out the impurities that hide in the lower layers of the epidermis and gives your skin a natural glow. Doing a weekly facial mask also makes the rest of your skin care regimen work better.
Prime your hair before you style it
Blow drying, straightening and curling your hair often begins to strain your hair. Make it a habit to always run some serum through your locks before you begin. Hair serum coats the surface of your hair and protects from heat and chemicals that come with styling tools.
Take a break from gel polish
Although gel mani’s are the go-to nail look, they are turning your nails thin. It’s not putting them on that’s the problem, but taking them off. You either peel them off taking the nail bed with it, or the more official way- a ten-minute acetone soak, which also leaves nails frail. Save your money and go back to the basics. Paint your nails yourself for a while, until they get back to their lively selves.
Drink more water
There are many reasons water is critical to your overall health. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help rid the body and skin of toxins. So the more water you drink the better your skin will look and feel. Dehydration causes your skin to look more wrinkled and nobody wants that. So fill up that cute refillable cup of yours and get to drinking.
I guarantee you will notice a difference in your skin if you take these tips home with you and implement them into your daily routines. Happy 2016!